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Introducing WebTigerPython

A first beta version of WebTigerJython 3 is now available

Roughly one year after TigerJython 3 was released as a beta version, we are finally moving forward with the web version.

This third version of WebTigerJython will now rightfully carry the name "WebTigerPython" and is available in beta at webtigerpython.ethz.ch from now on.

The key features include:

  • Full functionality of Python 3.11
  • Turtle graphics with both the gturtle-module and the standard Turtle module, as well as the repeat-loop (Example)
  • Enhanced error messages
  • Improved display in the browser, especially on portable devices
  • Robotics (via USB) with micro:bit/Maqueen and Calliope/Calli:bot
  • Support for modules like numpy, sympy, matplotlib, etc. (Example)
  • Support for mouse (Example) and keyboard events (Example)

For smooth usage, we recommend using a Chrome-based browser (currently, other browsers do not support WebUSB, which is needed for controlling the robots).

The old version can of course still be accessed at webtigerjython.ethz.ch.